Request |
Year: | 2013 |
Request Date: | |
Claimer: | Mr. LEONARD TROKTHI |
Interested Subject: | Ms. NEXHMIE NIKA, Ms. GJELA NDOJ, Mr. GJIN TROKTHI, in absentia. |
Object: | The repeal, as unconstitutional, of the decision no. 00-2012-1572, dated 22.06.2012, of the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court (counseling room), that rejected the recourse, and the decision no. 246, dated 16.02.2010 of the Tirana Court of Appeal, and the remand of the case for re-examination to the Tirana Court of Appeal.
The suspension of the implementation of the decision no. 70/60, dated 23.01.2009, of the Court of Kurbin Judicial District, left in force by the decision no. 246, dated 16.02.2010 of the Tirana Court of Appeal.
Collegial Court Verdict |
Number: | |
Date: | |
Decided: | |
Session Date: | Time: |
Court Verdict |
Number: | 9 |
Date: | 15.03.2013 |
Decided: | Accepted |
Other |
Categorization: | 1.1.10. Inidividët, Shumicë, 1.4.10. Pranim pjesërisht, Kontroll konkret, 1.6.1. Subjektet (legjitimimi), Konventa Evropiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe protokollet shtesë, Gjykata Evropiane e të Drejtave të Njeriut, Vendime të mëparëshme të Gjykatës Kushtetuese, Item Description |
Entire Verdict: | Nr: 9 Date: 15.03.2013 |