

Year:  2010
Request Date:  
Claimer:  A GROUP OF DEPUTIES OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, represented by Shega Ligori and Arian Salati, with authorisation. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PROSECUTORS, represented by Dashamir Kore, with authorisation. THE ALBANIAN HELSINKI COMMITTEE, represented by Vasilika Hysi, with authorisation.
Interested Subject:  THE ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, represented by Lulzim Lelçaj, with authorisation. THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS, represented by Viktor Gumi and Marsida Xhaferllari, with authorisation. PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, absent. THE HIGH COURT, absent. THE HIGH COUNCIL OF JUSTICE, absent. THE GENERAL PROSECUTOR, absent.
Object:  a) The declaration of law no.10034, dated 22 December 2008 On the cleanliness of the figure of high functionaries of the public administration and elected persons as incompatible with the Constitution of the Republic of Albania; b) The suspension of implementation of the law until the announcement of the final decision of the Constitutional Court.

Collegial Court Verdict

Session Date:          Time:  

Court Verdict

Number:  9
Date:  23.03.2010
Decided:  Accepted


Categorization:  1.1.3. Një grup deputetësh, Njëzëri, Kontroll abstrakt, Konventa Evropiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe protokollet shtesë, Konventa Europiane mbi të drejtat e fëmijës, Gjykata Evropiane e të Drejtave të Njeriut, Gjykata Kushtetuese të vendeve të tjera, Vendime të mëparëshme të Gjykatës Kushtetuese, 3.1. Shteti i së drejtës, 3.11. Ndarja dhe balancimi i pushteteve, 3.5. Siguria juridike, 3.7. Barazia para ligjit, 5.1.14. Paanësia, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description, Item Description
Entire Verdict:  Nr: 9 Date: 23.03.2010
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