What is the Constitutional Court?
Constitutional Court is the body which settles constitutional disputes and makes the final interpretation of the Constitution. It is subject only to the Constitution and enjoys complete organizational, administrative and financial independence.
Its main task is to ensure the respect for the Constitution and for the fundamental rights of the individuals. Its decisions shall be final and binding for enforcement.
When was the Constitutional Court created?
The Constitutional Court has been created in 1992, by the constitutional law no.7561, dated 29.04.1992 “On some amendments and additions to the law no.7491, dated 29.04.1991” “On the main constitutional provisions”.
What are the competencies of the Constitutional Court?
The Constitutional Court decides on:
How many members has the Constitutional Court and how are they elected?
Constitutional Court is composed of nine members.
Three members are appointed by the President of the Republic, three are elected by the Assembly and three are elected by the High Court.
When does the mandate of a constitutional judge end?
The judges of the Constitutional Court shall be appointed for a nine-year mandate without the right to be re-appointed. The constitutional judge shall continue to stay in office until the appointment of the successor, except for the cases when he/she resigns, is dismissed from duty, there are established the conditions of his/her inelectibility and incompatibility to exercise the functions, as well as when there is established the fact of his/her incapacity to exercise the duties.
What are the qualifications that a constitutional judge should have?
The judge of the Constitutional Court shall have a law degree, at least 15 years of experiences as judges, prosecutors, advocates, law professors or lectors, senior employees in the public administration, with a renowned activity in the constitutional, human rights or other areas of law. The other criteria, as well as the procedure of appointment or election of judges of the Constitutional Court have been regulated by law.
Does the constitutional judge have disciplinary liability?
The Constitutional Court judge shall be disciplinary liable in respect of cases provided for by the organic law of the Constitutional Court.
The examination of disciplinary misconduct is performed by the Disciplinary Committee composed of three judges assigned by lot, without the participation of judges involved in collection of facts and evidence.